Screw the Guru
Forget the "tools"
Focus on content
Oooh - shiny things!
It seems that there’s a new social media tool that comes out every day, so much so that we need a blog to tell us “This week’s best new social media tools!” Ever heard of these?
Wetoku, Twitterfall, Klout, Socialmention, Blekko, Kurrently, Sysomos, Zoomsphere… the list goes on.
Social media gurus
Thing is, when you look at the people promoting them – they all make their money in the social media world. Rarely do I see a retailer or a service provider tout the wonders of tools like buffer, trunkly, postling or storify.
Yes there are exceptions, but don’t assume that everything will be appropriate for your circumstance.
These tools all have one thing in common – they exist to enhance your content; enhance – not improve or create.
No matter how automated or integrated your digital footprint is, if your content is lame then all you’re doing is amplifying your inadequacy.
Be the guru
Stop worrying about being behind the digital times or that you’re missing a great new way to get your message out. Ignore the social media gurus and become the “insert your business here” guru.
If your content is compelling enough I can guarantee that there’s someone out there with the tools ready to share it.
If you’ve heard about a new tool and are curious to see if it will work for your business, shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to give you my opinion. If however you’d like to work on improving your content, reply to this email and book a session.