What are you going to write about?
If you're running a content strategy and you're a small operation, i.e. you and your immediate team have to do it yourselves - what are you going to write about?
Not just this week - or this month - or even this year but, what are you going to write about next year? What about in 5 years time?
And for those of you thinking that it doesn't apply because you're in the video or image game - swap out the word write for talk.
If you've got nothing unique to say, if you don't have a compelling reason for someone to choose you over somebody else, why would anybody want to listen to you?
How are you going to stay in business?
If you know how to make a profit, I can help you with these questions. Drop me a line or call on 310 980 2499 and lets chat.
Written while listening to: Music to Descend in an Airplane to - music2work2
Image Credit: s.zolkin