Your Help With My New Logo - Please
In the digital world where everything is driven by what it looks like, a bad logo does more harm than not having one at all.
Until you have done the work and produced on paper a real strategic plan for your business, built on a clear forward vision, you probably don't need one.
Time to Get Dressed
Simply Friday is now three years old and looks a lot different from when it started. I'm no longer focused on websites but am drawing on a far wider range of skills including strategy development and business management alongside analysis, resource allocation and training.
While I still "do websites," I spend way more time defining "what should be there" rather than "what should be where."
I know what the business is and where it's going and am ready to represent that visually. I would love your feedback on a rough early version:
Simply Friday - Idea 1
There is a structured thought process behind this design which I'm happy to share, but for now, I'm super interested in your first impression.
If you've got a few minutes I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know what you think.
Just drop me an email here.