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The Truth About Creating Content

You're not creating "content"  you're marketing your business.


This is a really huge thing to wrap your head around!

Here's why:

Content for content's sake sucks!

Seriously - if I read another blog post titled "5 ways to market your  blog with content" that starts with the admonition "you must create quality content" - I'm going to scream.

Scratch that - I'm already screaming!

The thing is - these kind of posts all start with that because the majority of content published, particularly from small businesses,  is crap.

Creating good content is really hard

I teach digital marketing for a living, so you'd think I'd be pretty good at this content thing, but reflect on this for a minute:

  • It took me 52 weeks to develop the habit of writing a "good" newsletter.
  • It took me another 52 weeks to get some traction and win my first "random" client
  • 3 years in, my business is now growing and it is 100% down to two things:
    1. my ability to execute
    2. my weekly newsletter

Content marketing is a life changing practice.

If you're going to market your business effectively you have to make creating content a part of your life - as entrenched as your month-end invoices.

It needs to be scheduled then fought against and hated and dreaded - until it becomes habit - until it becomes second nature - until you're sitting on a Tuesday night jotting down ideas because you know when you put them out into the world they are going to grow your business.

The truth

If you are a smart, creative, small business owner - there has NEVER been a better time for you to market your business - just don't kid yourself that it'll be quick and easy.

Pick a strategy, keep your head down, get good at it and then thank yourself in a few years time!

Let's talk

If you'd like to avoid the most popular pitfalls and make the best use of your resources, call me on 310 980 2499 or use the form below.


What I've learned about web design in the last 12 months

(or - why websites are kind of like human beings)


  • There is no one design that works for everyone
  • Your website should be as unique as you are
  • The only way to find out what that looks like is to change and measure the results
  • It costs less to change your website today than it ever has

Think about it, we've evolved over millions of years - sure we're pretty recognizable as humans instead of say gorillas, or fish, or sofas even, and yet we're all unique!  We're different shapes and sizes, colors and creeds, we have different languages and behaviors and we dress in a myriad of ways to help us get what we want.

But this didn't happen overnight - there had to be change, there had be a selection process in order for the most "successful" traits to win out.

The Takeaway For Your Website

There is a utopian design for your business' website, one that turns all those visitors into paying customers or clients.  The only way to get there is to try different versions - hell, call them generations,  of how it looks and functions.  So do this:

  • Decide how long each generation will have to develop useable data - say two to three months
  • Choose which metric you want to improve
  •  Make changes to your site and / or strategy
  • Measure the results
  • Discard what didn't work
  • Rinse and repeat

 God With a Fast Forward Button?

The only question you need to ask yourself right now is how quickly do you want to evolve?

Big Caveat

This isn't just about the design of your website, it's about your content too.  What you put out into the world has a huge impact on who visits you and whether they choose to engage.  When it comes to SEO, website design is inextricably tied to content strategy so to evolve successfully, you need to be looking at both.

Let's Talk

This isn't complicated, it just requires a little strategy, planning and execution.  If you'd like some help setting it up, call me on 310 980 2499 or email me and let's talk.


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